About the product

Locklift, inspired by Truffle and Hardhat, is a Node JS framework designed to facilitate the building, testing, running, and maintaining of smart contracts for TVM (Threaded Virtual Machine) blockchains like Everscale, Venom, Gosh and TON.

This framework simplifies the entire contract development process, from building and testing to deployment and maintenance. With Locklift, you get a powerful set of tools for network management, contract testing, and key management, making it easy to develop high-quality, secure smart contracts and much more.

The tool was created by Broxus team and is constantly being improved.

Everscale usage

To improve the development experience, you will need tools and utilities to compile, deploy and test your Everscale contracts.

With Locklift, you get:

- Network management for working with any networks (main, test, local, ...)

- Automated contract testing

- Handy wrappers around Everscale smart contracts

- Custom givers support

- Keys management

- External script runner that executes scripts within a specified environment